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發表於 2017-9-12 22:03:26 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

◎譯  名 真·爱/紀錄真愛
◎片  名 LoveTrue
◎年  代 2017
◎産  地 美國
◎類  別 紀錄片
◎語  言 英語
◎上映日期 2016-04-15(翠貝卡電影節)/2017-02-10(英國)
◎IMDb評分 6.3/10 from 141 users
◎豆瓣評分 8.0/10 from 10 users
◎文件格式 HD-RMVB
◎視頻尺寸 1280 x 720
◎文件大小 1CD
◎片  長 82分鍾
◎導  演 Alma Har'el
◎主  演 TerriAnn Peters
◎簡  介
  Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in our relationships? Past ghosts of ourselves? The film's reenactments of significant past experiences and glimpses at possible futures, created with non-actors playing the characters' older and younger selves, encourage the couples to confront the realities of their hopes and memories, and the effect they have on their love lives.
thunder://QUFodHRwOi8vYmJzLmJ0d3VqaS5jb20vam9iLnBocD9hY3Rpb249ZG93bmxvYWQmcGlkPXRwYyZ0aWQ9MzYyMDI3JmFpZD0yNDY1OTdaWg==/[ 此貼被鳳凰花在2017-09-11 21:42重新編輯 ]


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